Lands of Lord British The Dungeon of Perinia 0x12 0x0D The Unholy Hole 0x30 0x0B The Dungeon of Montor 0x35 0x16 The Mines of Mt. Drash 0x3B 0x1D Mondain's Gate to Hell 0x1D 0x25 The Lost Caverns 0x0D 0x2B The Dungeon of Doubt 0x3E 0x31 The Mines of Mt. Drash II 0x27 0x3C Death's Awakening 0x26 0x44 Lands of the Feudal Lords The Savage Place 0x82 0x0A Scorpion Hole 0x64 0x0F Advari's Hole 0x7C 0x1A The Dead Warrior's Fight 0x9B 0x23 The Horror of the Harpies 0x93 0x24 The Labyrinth 0x62 0x2D Where Hercules Died 0x6D 0x32 The Horror of the Harpies II 0x74 0x38 The Gorgon Hole 0x88 0x3B Lands of Danger and Despair The Skull Smasher 0x77 0x59 The Spine Breaker 0x95 0x5B The Dungeon of Doom 0x72 0x64 The Dead Cat's Life 0x6C 0x6B The Morbid Adventure 0x8A 0x73 Free Death Hole 0x9A 0x79 Dead Man's Walk 0x69 0x7F The Dead Cat's Life II 0x80 0x8A The Hole to Hades 0x81 0x92 Lands of the Dark Unknown The Tramp of Doom 0x34 0x60 The Viper's Pit 0x20 0x63 The Long Death 0x19 0x69 The End... 0x0E 0x6E The Viper's Pit II 0x3F 0x77 The Slow Death 0x47 0x78 The Guild of Death 0x28 0x81 The Metal Twister 0x10 0x8C The Troll's Hole 0x2E 0x91