Portable Ultima Patches

Produced by: Jason “Xarton Dragon” Penney
Website: JCZorkmid

A set of patches for Ultima 1 through Ultima 6 which should theoretically be applicable to most installations of the games, inside or outside of DOSBox.

A combined patch for Ultima 7 which should theoretically be applicable to most installations of the game, inside or outside of DOSBox.

A combined patch for Serpent Isle which should theoretically be applicable to most installations of the game, inside or outside of DOSBox.

Xarton Dragon’s PDAR portable patch distribution system, compiled for Windows.

Source code for Xarton Dragon’s PDAR portable patch distribution system.

Source code for Xarton Dragon’s PDAR portable patch distribution system.
A set of patches for Ultima 1 through Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle, developed by Xarton Dragon, which should theoretically be applicable to most installations of the games, regardless of source. The patches are distributed in the PDAR (Portable Delta ARchive) format of Xarton’s own devising, and contain only the differences between the patched files and the unpatched files. This should streamline and speed up the process of patch application, and also removes much of the hassle of the actual installation process that other patching utilities use.
Most of the major patches for each game are included, and a complete listing (as well as installation instructions) can be found in the main download. Also available for download are a PDAR application for Windows, as well as the PDAR source code.
This patching method has been tested against the GOG versions of the games (the Underworld games excepted) and are confirmed to work thereupon. Xarton also expects — though this may be untested — that the PDAR patching method will also prove effective for installations of these games from the Ultima Collection CD.
Note: the Ultima 7 patches are supplied as ZIP files, and each archive contains a pair of files: a General MIDI patch and a “GOG Extra” patch. Here are Xarton’s instructions for applying these patches:
- Ultima7.General_MIDI-1.1.pdar or Ultima7p2.General_MIDI-1.0.pdar
Modifies necessary files in place. No need to run batch installer. After applying simply run INSTALL.EXE to change your music device to MT-32 to activate. - Ultima7.General_MIDI-1.1-GOG_Extra.pdar or Ultima7p2.General_MIDI-1.0-GOG_Extra.pdar
Run the General MIDI patch first. This patch modifies the U7.CFG supplied with the GOG distribution to activate the GM/GS patch without the need to run INSTALL.EXE.