Ultima 1: The Board Game

Produced by: Joseph Propati
Website: Ultima 1 the boardgame @ BoardGameGeek

Josehp Propati’s board game adaptation of Ultima 1; grab a copy, print it, and play!
A remake, according to its developer, of Ultima 1, realized as a board game. Joseph Propati has released his adaptation of the first titled Ultima as a Print & Play game.
The game consists of maps of all four of Sosaria’s continents, with each continent’s map broken up into four pieces (which are evidently scaled for printing on 11×17 paper). Players may select from four classes — fighter, mage, cleric, and thief — and must travel the length and breadth of Sosaria to perform tasks, pursue quests, acquire treasure and equipment, and so forth. Dungeons, castles, and towns are also featured in the game, and many of these feature their own maps as well.
Much as is the case in Ultima 1 proper, the goal of the game is to speak with the various Sosarian kings, acquire four gems, and ultimately defeat Mondain. Mr. Propati doesn’t specify whether there is a food cost for movement across the game board, however.
Hello WTF Dragon,
Yes, I plan on having the Food cost included in the board game! Actually I plan on having as many game elements that are in the Computer game transferred over to the board game. There will be some elements that may not be present such as the arcade feature of space alien fighting or space docking but if I can figure out a way OR hopefully get help from the gaming community to turn this computer feature into a board game feature, I’ll use it!! I will also be uploading an excel sheet that will be used for save game purpose and will allow the player to keep track of all save games features such as; items, stats, enemy locations, player map location, everything!!!
I want to make this game as close as possible to the computer Ultima 1.
Stay tune at BoardGameGeek.com and here because I’m getting really close to posting the entire game, ready to play!
Joseph Propati
“For the love of the game!”
Good to hear! I’ll make sure to post some news about that presently.
Quick update:
As of 7/12/2013 I have completed 99% of all the gaming components, which I have uploaded to the BoardGameGeek.com upload file section! The only remaining game components left, which I will complete by this weekend, are the final battle map with Mondain and his Non-Player Reference card!
Once these are completed I will put all focus on the rule book, which is going to be huge by the way! The rule book will have all the original manual text included plus new descriptions and text, a large number of images and examples for easy reference, and a full breakdown of the entire game. I’m going to take the player step-by-step throughout the entire game mechanics and hopefully in the process I will have recreated the magic and excitement that is Ultima 1, but in a PnP Board Game format
Hello again WTF Dragon,
Well, I’m getting really close now… I have uploaded all the gaming material such as components, cards, maps, reference sheets to BGG.com file section. I’ve made some major updates to a lot of the cards, ref sheets, and components! I’ve also added a lot on new material since I last posted so please check out all the new and updated material.
I’m currently working on the rules and have them about 80% complete. It will initially be in a word doc with a lot of text, images and examples but as a rough draft and not the final PDF version. I want to get the rough draft out to everyone so they can go through the rules, check out the mechanics of the game and give feedback so I can produce a final draft in PDF format.
I’m hoping to have everything complete within a couple of weeks!
Just as a heads up, the only thing that will be missing from Ultima 1: The Board Game “for now” is the space combat and space docking process. I’m still trying to figure out how to do this in a board game format. Arcade style combat doesn’t transfer very well into board games. I will try to come up with something that is similar in fashion to help keep it in the game but I haven’t figured it out yet. I will focus first on completing the game and then add this feature later. I’m open to suggestions and if anyone out there has a good idea on how to transfer this system over to the game please let me know!!!
Thanks for the update! Sorry I’ve been lax in getting some news up about it; should have something posted this evening.
Thanks again!
I’ll let you know when the rules are up on the web site!
I’ve made some last minute changes to some of the files and I’m very confident that the components that are available right now are 100% playable once the rules are uploaded!
I’m really looking forward to everyone’s feedback on the game and with total respect and honor to Richard Garriot, I hope he can give his two cents also.
If at all you’re able, you should look at getting a complete game set printed, any maybe even putting it in a custom-printed box. And then mail it to him at the Portalarium office in Austin.
Hello WTF Dragon,
I’ve uploaded the entire Ultima 1: The Board Game Rule Book!
I’ve managed to create a PDF of the rules with text, images, and examples!
Its BIG!
and Its finally here!
Please read through the rules and give me your feedback. I want to make this the best game I can and to do that I need your help to find any mistakes or errors I might have missed! Cough, cough!
So read through the rules, play the game and let me know what you think!
I truly hope you enjoy the game as much as I did in creating it!
It is my way of showing just how much I respect and honor Richard Garriot and the true creative genius he showed in creating the original Ultima 1: The Computer Game!
Joseph Propati
Where can I find or download this rulebook? xD
The rule book should be included with the rest of the game; use the download link above.
Hello all,
I recently updated a number of files for Ultima 1 The Board Game as well as the rule book! I also added a doc that explains all the printing requirements for all the docs used in the game!
Happy gaming!
Great Project!
One question, can several players (all 4 classes, perhaps) play at the same time?
Also, I have the idea regarding Space Ace battle. You should create several maps, each representation certain Space areas as in the game (i.e. space station where you can buy fuel, change craft etc.), other stations and outer space map itself (by grids). While on the outer space map, you occupy the player cube in the bottom middle slot and then you put additional cubes for enemy ships, which you have to fight in the top. Then you make your step forward. With each step you make, all active enemies make another step towards you.After the enemies fly past you they just continue flying “south” direction with every step until they come to the end of the chapter, then you can remove their cubes. Then you just calculate the hit chance/damage/fuel expenditure thing. If you kill all the enemies you have at the moment, on the map, other ones are being added with every 5 or any number of steps you would like to use, as in case of outdoor travel monster encounter. So, if you are flying and, say, have 3 enemies after you at the moment, but you managed to kill only 2 of them before you finished your 5 steps, then another 1-2 (amount could be also dice-roll based) appear. Also, when you come to the end of the map i.e. the very top of the outer space battle space, you just move your char back to the bottom middle grid as if you just continue flying forward. The same with light speed jumps chart etc. Hope I explained my idea well enough, if not feel free to ask.
That’s a great idea!!! Kind of like a space invades or phoenix top down stoye combat. I like it!!
Let me work on it and see what I can come up with, This is beautiful because I really want this element in the game to make it a true cross-over of Ultima 1 from computer to game board!
Thanks and you definitely get full credit for this one!
Hello Veli,
I don’t see why not! Each player would keep track of his own stats and items. You will need to print out more items because you will run out of components if more than one player is playing! Let me know if you try it and it works!
Also, the player vs player combat would be very interesting and would need some new rules!
Thanks for reply Joseph. Will try to organize a night of oldschool RPG sometime (too busy with my studies now heh). And yes, PvP/cooperation/exchange/trade/support (in case somebody runs out of money/food) is what I was thinking about when asked about the feature. Ultima III-later combat style is great as there in fact can be several party members involved in one combat screen, but since it is not a feature in Ultima I (still a great game imo) then there is probably possibility to make a work around.
It is great that you liked my space combat idea, will keep an eye on updates. Thanks!